Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Now we are three...

It's hard to believe, but three years ago Mitchell & Harrison were almost two weeks old and were struggling to survive. Every day I would drive the 45mins to visit them in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and would pray that I wouldn't be greeted by more bad news. Each day seemed to bring more challenges as the boys faced surgeries, procedures and infections. BUT somehow they finally came home - due in part to the wonderful caring medical and nursing staff at the hospital and also (I believe) due to sheer luck. Each birthday I always find myself transported back to those early months when we didn't know what the future held. I relive those memories and spill tears for all that our precious baby boys endured. I also cry for the lost dreams and for what may have been. It may sound terribly indulgent, but there is a part of me that still grieves for the loss of my pregnancy at such and early stage, that I never got to enjoy those last months of nesting and preparing the nursery and mostly, that Kev never got to feel his baby boys kicking...
And then I look at how far we have come. How these tiny little babies are now young boys with minds of their own, who know what they want to do (even when Mummy tries to convince them otherwise) and who are making friends. I am so grateful for the boys' social skills - that they are loving and caring and that they are confident and chatty (even if Mummy is not always sure what they are saying). Mitch who loves duplo, cuddles and his special sheet. Harry who has a great sense of humour, loves puzzles and drawing. These precious little boys who give so much love and only want a cuddle or someone to read them a book. I am in awe of their strength and their determination...
I don't know what I did to deserve such unconditional love - but I will be forever grateful for this precious gift...
I love you Mitchell Steven & Harrison Adam,

Monday, August 6, 2007

On the road to recovery...

I just had to share this cute photo of Harry. He has recently become obsessed with wearing sunglasses everywhere...including the bath. So this morning he was adamant he wanted to wear his glasses in "the bubbles". As you can see he is well on the road to recovery, although at this stage we are still steering clear of playgroup and childcare until both boys are cleared by the doctor. We have had 2 1/2 weeks of virtual isolation, but somehow we have survived (grin). All of a sudden my baby boys are really growing up - they love having their little boxes of toys in the loungeroom and then they pack them up before heading off to bed. Harry is a much more willing participant in tidying up - Mitch requires constant encouragement. Harry is so funny he now praises himself - I will find him packing up a puzzle saying to himself "good boy Harry. Well done". This is such a fun stage - the boys want to communicate and are very sociable.

It is now less than 2 weeks until the boys' birthday - hard to believe they will be three years old. We are hoping that they will be medically cleared so their party can go ahead. But regardless we are sure they will have an absolute ball...

Hoping everyone is coping with the cold and wet...

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Plague strikes again...

Don't you just love the diseases a toddler (or two) can bring into the household? Our family is currently in the grip of a salmonella outbreak! We are uncertain of the original source of the infection, but the consequences are being felt (and I mean truly felt) thoughout our family. Poor Harry was the first to be struck down and ended up in hospital with Mummy for 2 days on a drip. Then just as he started to improve, Mitch became ill. And then as luck would have it, just as both boys started to feel happier and more energetic...I got it. And I am not a good patient. I can't stand staying in bed if I can things going on and I have a insatiable desire to be in control from my "deathbed". So poor Kev has been home today, trying to placate the three of us.

Hoping that these things don't spread by the internet (grin)