But in amongst all of this there has been a bright side. I have been motivated to make visual schedules for the boys to assist them (and us) in streamlining their routines. Visual schedules are typically used for children with learning difficulties, speech disorders or behavioural issues. They may be used to specify acceptable behaviours, specific daily routines or even break down a single activity into small steps (ie going to the toilet). In Mitch & Harry's case it was first suggested at kindy that they may find a visual schedule useful as they were unable to recall the activities required each morning at kindy. After 3 terms of telling them each morning what they had to do, it became apparent that they were really struggling with the planning required to get ready for kindy. One of the teachers made a simple schedule and Harry in particular flourished. He now rushes to his visual schedule and tells me what he has to do - it has been a wonderful way for him to become more independent. So I finally buckled down this weeks and revised the boys' daily schedules and made a weekly one too. We are now just trailling it to see how it goes and whether it helps (or hinders)...but so far so good.
This is the weekly schedule which tells the boys what activities the family has planned throughout the week - like swimming, meeting friends, kindy, child care and quiet time...
This is the daily schedule which reminds the boys about their "jobs" - clearing the table, getting dressed, toiletting etc...
Next thing on the agenda is moving some of our furniture to Dad's place - that way we can start to set up the nursery and get the boys' bunk bed organised. I will of course be in my element - cleaning, tidying and organising :-)
Love to all,
Lisa xx
Thats appsolutely "brilliant" Lisa, & well done to the kindy teacher's...But it's @ home that will make the(visual schedule ) work..
Your doing a wonderful job, with both the boy's , againts all the odd's...
I reckon, master Reid number (3) wants to stay were he is , nice & cosy, for a while longer ..yet...
Love Auntie (M)..xxx
Thanks Nina :-)
Thanks Auntie M - I hope Mater Reid no. 3 stays for a long time :-)
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