Well it is official! After feeling absolutely dreadful with aches, pains, headaches, low grade temps, coughs and runny nose I went to the local ED as I couldn't get in to see my GP. They sent me to the major tertiary hospital because they were concerned about my BP and some swelling in my hands and feet. Ended up spending 3 hours in labour and delivery and just bfore I left they did a nasal swab. Today I booked an emergency appointment to see my GP as I still wasn't feeling any better - and he confirmed that I have Swine Flu. So I have started on Tamiflu.
This has all been extremely stressful (as you can imagine). BUT the benefits of the medications are widely reported to outweigh the risks. One fortunate aspect for me has been that despite my symptoms my temperature has never gone above 38.1 and that my lungs are clear - the two most significant risks for mother and unborn baby being very high temps and secondary bacterial infections. The other is that I am a fair way along with the pregnancy - 30 weeks tomorrow and therefore this should not affect the baby's development in any way.
Spent a fair bit of time on the phone with the hospital registrar today and he was very reassuring. So now it just a matter of getting over this illness.
Here is a link for anyone who is interested on the current CDC guidelines for managing Swine Flu in pregnancy...