Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Blogging against disablism - the world through my boys' eyes...

Blogging Against Disablism Day, May 1st 2007

Imagine looking at the world through the eyes of your child...

Imagine only seeing the person - rather than their disability...

Imagine loving everyone with a kind and open heart...


I had dreamed of being a mother for many years, but I never dreamed the life lessons that motherhood would teach me. Having two beautiful boys has opened my eyes to a whole new way of experiencing the world.

Mitchell and Harrison have many friends and make more friends wherever they go.

They smile equally at the young and the elderly. Sometimes they blow kisses.

They love their Great Nana's "car" (wheelchair). They love giving Nana kisses. And they talk to everyone in the nursing home from the nurses to the residents.

They love their Uncle Trent. They don't care that he has Down Syndrome. What matters is that he enjoys playing with them and has the best collection of DVDs!

They have friends with feeding tubes, wheelchairs, oxygen tanks and other equipment...

BUT this is of little interest - they just want to play and have fun.

They happily talk with anyone they meet. They love everyone with an open heart.

Their world isn't tainted by prejudice...

What a wonderful way to live...

If only it could be like that always...


jennifergg said...

I couldn't agree more! Beautiful post!

Imperfect Christian said...

If only we, as a society, could look at one another as innocently and accepting as our children look at one another and at us. Beautiful post!

Never That Easy said...

Beautiful post... it's so, so true.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post Lisa. If we only grew with what we are all given as children it would be a much better world. Differences mean nothing and friendship and love means everything.